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Welcome to the Remnant of the Worldwide Church of God


We are not a new group but we are members of the Church of God who are holding fast to the "faith which was once delivered unto the saints", the TRUTH that was restored to the Church by Jesus Christ, the Living HEAD of the Church, through His 20th century apostle, Mr. Herbert W Armstrong. We are committed to holding fast to all of these TRUTHS without compromise.

New Article Posted - October 29, 2023


The Restored Doctrine of the Government of God

The Responsibilities and Duties of Each Ministerial Office


Many who have a Worldwide Church of God background have heard of Mr. Herbert W Armstrong. He was the faithful apostle who raised up the Philadelphia era of the Church in the 20th century. After his death in 1986, the man who assumed the office of Pastor General of the Worldwide Church of God apostatized from the truth. And thus, the majority of the membership would end up leaving the truth altogether and the remaining minority would fracture into small groups that became known as splinters.


And since that time, many of the truths that were restored to the Church by Jesus Christ through Mr. Armstrong have been modified, changed, liberalized, and misunderstood by God’s people in the era that would follow. And one of those doctrines is the teaching regarding the government of God and the various ministerial ranks including their associated duties.


And so, the purpose of this document is to restore the truth surrounding this subject as it was once delivered unto the saints. And to ensure and assure those reading this document that these are the true doctrines that were restored to the 6th era of the Church, every point that is made in this article will be followed by several excerpts from the material that was produced in the Worldwide Church of God. 


Although writing an article in the way just mentioned is not easy, it is necessary in this age of doctrinal confusion. And it is absolutely essential that such an article be written this way so that everyone can be able to prove and determine whether what is written herein are the same truths that were once adhered to in the golden era of truth, the Philadelphia era of the Church of God.





 Article Posted



The Seal of an Apostle & the Proof of Mr. Armstrong's Office


Some of God's people now believe that there can be no more apostles than the original 12. But the Bible reveals otherwise. In this article, you will learn the truth regarding how apostles are selected and how one can prove whether a man has been selected to serve in this office.    


The doctrines contained in this article are part of the Biblical truths, the "original truths" that were restored to the Philadelphia era of the Church, an era which Jesus Christ stated, "kept His Word", Rev. 3:8 & 10.


You will also learn how an apostle, or for that matter, a true minister of Christ can disqualify himself from the office that they have been selected to serve in. This article contains numerous quotes from the material that was produced in the Worldwide Church of God when it was led by a faithful apostle, Mr. Armstrong. And all of the material that is quoted is cited with the source, the author, and in most cases the date as well, so that everyone can confirm its authenticity. 

Article Posted



The One True Church Doctrine & the Unity of the Faith


This article was written because there is prevalent belief that it is perfectly normal for the Church that Jesus Christ started in 31 A.D. to be disunited and separated into many different groups. Many of the Worldwide Church of God offshoots now teach that it is normal for the Church to be scattered into different groups.


This document was also written because an attitude has gripped the thinking of the scattered flock who have experienced an apostasy and who now believe it is acceptable to have a relationship directly with God without the need of being a member of the spiritual organism that is the one true Church of God that is united in truth.


And so, this document will re-establish the “original truth” that a loving God restored to the 6th era. It will contain the “original truth” on the subject of the one truth Church and the unity of the faith. Numerous excerpts from Mr. Armstrong and from the material that was produced in Worldwide Church of God when it was led by Mr. Armstrong will be cited. This material will be as thorough as possible and will cover all the scriptures on this subject so that everyone can prove for themselves that these were the teachings that were restored by Jesus Christ to the Philadelphia era of the Church, Revelation 3:8 and 10.

“And I’ve been working hard the last 2 ½ years to get this Church back on the track after others were getting it off the track. I don’t think we’re 100% back yet. I don’t think we have gotten all of the leaven out yet. But it’s going out, believe me. And we’re going to get it out.


Let’s not be part of those virgins who don’t have any oil in their lamps. If you have any doubt in your mind, begin fasting and praying, asking God to give you his spirit. But his spirit will only open your mind to understand his word. And you will have to follow it. The holy spirit is not going to pull you, it’s not going to push you, it’s not going to compel you. It’ll show you the way. You’ll have to begin to want to walk on it on your own power and you’ll have to ask God for extra power and help. Brethren, we’re in the very last days. And we need to be sure that we are ready.” 

                   Sermon, “Church History” (DUB), Herbert W Armstrong, 1981

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Jude had become aware of the great need to earnestly appeal to Christians to contend or fight for the faith which had been delivered to them. Apostasy was fast setting in; men were turning to error and leading away disciples after themselves. The Church was being divided.


“What Is the Faith?


Let's note carefully the meaningful words Jude used. He was urging them to defend the original faith they had been given. Many of these people had been converted by the preaching of Christ's apostles. Some may have even heard Christ Himself. They got the truth first-hand — directly from the apostles who had obtained it from Christ who had faithfully delivered it from God the Father. There was no question about what the faith was. It had been faithfully given to them!


This faith, meaning in this sense the body of beliefs and practices handed down by the apostles, forms the essence of the meaning of God's Church. Together with the prophets, the apostolic teachings form the foundation of God's house — Jesus Christ being the chief cornerstone (Eph. 2:20). Any superstructure not built upon this foundation is false; it will not stand (I Cor. 3:10-15).”

                    Good News Magazine, “The Faith Once and for All Delivered”, August 1974


"When they shall stumble, they shall be granted a little help"

Daniel 11:34 NET

The Remnant of The Worldwide Church of God

“‘And the gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice; he calls his sheep by name and he leads them out. When he has brought all his sheep outside, he goes in front of them, and the sheep follow him, because they knew his voice. They will not follow a stranger’ (John 10:3-5 Moffatt Translation)


“Now he doesn't drive them. He leads and they follow. And there it is again, Christ leads. He does not drive anyone. If you notice, Jesus Christ never once forced anyone to agree with Him or to believe what He preached”

          World Tomorrow Broadcast, “Truth Restored”, Herbert W Armstrong

The Remnant of The Worldwide Church of God

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