How the Teachings of RCG Now Differ from those of Mr. Armstrong
This article contains 30 doctrinal changes in the truth that occurred in RCG beginning in 2015. This is when the “Greatest Untold Story” sermon series began and the “Elijah” doctrinal change occurred. It lists the 30 changes and the sermon series number when this change happened. After each doctrinal change, an explanation of the “old teaching” is given, the teaching from the Worldwide Church of God during the Philadelphia era. Then, next to the “old teaching”, you will find numerous quotes from Mr. Herbert W Armstrong, and from various other sources of literature that was produced during the Worldwide Church of God when it was on track.
The following is part of the introduction to this article. If you know something is not right in RCG, this is a must read document:
“The truth was once the reason that many were led to the Restored Church of God (RCG). But recent changes in doctrine have prompted some to leave. We are among those who left RCG in order to stay in the truth. It is with sincere concern for those that we left behind that prompted this vital document to be written.”
The article ends with a quote from Mr. Armstrong to the Church when he began to put the Church back on track in the late 1970’s. It was a time when certain men, behind his back, made changes to the teachings that had been restored to the Church by Jesus Christ. How much more does this instruction pertain to God’s people in this age and at this time!
“Brethren, WE HAVE NOT OBEYED THAT COMMAND OF JESUS CHRIST! We have not all believed the same thing! There HAVE BEEN DIVISIONS among us for that very reason!
“We therefore have been GUILTY before God of DISOBEYING HIS EXPLICIT COMMAND! I said, ‘have been.’ But God's time of trial and test is upon us! God says, through Daniel, that at ‘the time of the end. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried’ (Daniel 12:9-10).
“God's sifting time is upon us! God is allowing those duped by Satan to bring upon us the GREATEST TIME OF TRIAL AND TESTING that His Church has undergone in our lifetime!”
Good News Magazine, “And Now Christ Sets Church Back On Track Doctrinally”, Herbert W Armstrong, April 1979
Herbert W Armstrong – The Office that He Served In
Mr. Herbert W Armstrong is the reason that we are all here. He is the only one that learned the truth directly from the HEAD of the Church, Jesus Christ. He often stated that just as the apostles were taught by Jesus Christ in person, He was taught by Jesus Christ through the written Word of God. This is how Jesus Christ revealed the truth to him. And he is also my father and your father in the gospel. The following is a quote from the introduction in this article.
“There was a time in the in the 20th century when the Church of God was in harmony. The Church was growing in both income and membership. Congregation sizes numbered in the hundreds. Bible studies, socials and other events were common place and were attended by large groups of brethren. Numerous feast sites were established throughout the world and feast site attendance at each location numbered in the thousands. The Church and its members were thriving, and at its peak, the total attendance throughout the world surpassed 140,000.
“But how did this happen? How was the truth restored to the Church? What was the cause for this phenomenal growth? How did the Church achieve such harmony? Why did God bless the Church? And what was the key that made this possible? You are about to learn the vital element that made all of this possible.”
The article concludes with the following quote from Mr. Armstrong. It reveals how this might work was really accomplished:
“No MAN, of himself, could have decided to do this, and, on his own human ability and power alone, have RAISED up this Worldwide Church of God, have developed the facilities and machinery for BROADCASTING THAT ANNOUNCEMENT — by radio, printing press, television, personal preaching to THE WORLD. This WORK OF GOD has grown into a great, powerful WORLDWIDE and WORLD-KNOWN work.
“There is but one answer. No one can believe that I alone had the ability and the power to accomplish something that never before in the history of man has been done! GOD DID IT, though He used me as a human servant. No MAN BY HUMAN ABILITY COULD HAVE ACHIEVED IT.
“Yet God always has worked through ONE MAN, surrounded by helpers.”
The Plain Truth Magazine, “How I Came to be Going to Kings and Heads of Government”, Herbert W Armstrong, February 1977
The Things Assure Of
The information contained in this document was included in the article “How the Teachings of RCG Now Differ from those of Mr. Armstrong – A List of 30 Changes in the Truth”. As the list of 30 changes in the truth that occurred in RCG was compiled, it became apparent that the documentation of these changes would not be complete without some sort of assurance that the truth that was revealed to the Church in the 20th century is valid and correct. The following is a quote from the introduction section of this article:
“If there is a most important doctrine in the Bible, the truth is arguably it. It is what defines us as the Church. In an era with so many Churches of God and with so many variations of the truth, the following question has to be asked by everyone who has been called by God; “How can one be assured of, the correct teachings that come from God, i.e. the truth? How does one know that he is holding fast to the full truth?
“In one of his letters to Timothy, the apostle Paul gave Timothy some extremely valuable advice regarding the truth. The following is what Paul told him “But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them”. The apostle Paul was talking about the doctrines that he had taught Timothy. He was ‘assuring’ Timothy that these were the correct teachings. You see, the apostle Paul received the truth directly from Christ (Galatians 11:24 and I Corinthians 9:1-2). This is how he could assure Timothy that he had the correct teachings of the truth. Undoubtedly a defection from the truth was occurring in their lifetime as well.
“In the same way, a wise apostle by the name of Mr. Herbert W Armstrong left us with at least 4 ‘assurances’ of the truths that he taught the Church of God in the 20th century. These ‘assurances’ are intended to guarantee that what he taught are the true teachings that emanate from God. Here is what they are.”
And after listing the 4 ‘assurances’, the article concludes with the words of Mr. Armstrong right after a period in the Church when certain men introduced errors in doctrine, when these same men were causing division, and when liberal teachings had infiltrated the Church. It was written in 1979, shortly after Mr. Armstrong began to put the Church back on track:
“Brethren, WE HAVE NOT OBEYED THAT COMMAND OF JESUS CHRIST! We have not all believed the same thing! There HAVE BEEN DIVISIONS among us for that very reason!
“We therefore have been GUILTY before God of DISOBEYING HIS EXPLICIT COMMAND! I said, ‘have been.’ But God's time of trial and test is upon us! God says, through Daniel, that at ‘the time of the end. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried’ (Daniel 12:9-10).
“God's sifting time is upon us! God is allowing those duped by Satan to bring upon us the GREATEST TIME OF TRIAL AND TESTING that His Church has undergone in our lifetime!”
Good News Magazine, “And Now Christ Sets Church Back On Track Doctrinally”, April 1979
Herbert W Armstrong – The Role that He Fulfilled
In 1926, God began to work with a man by the name of Herbert W Armstrong. During his lifetime, a vast amount of truth was restored to the Church of God by Jesus Christ through him. One of those truths was that he was the one fulfilling the end-time role of Elijah. This article is for those who were not in the Church during this period of time in the 20th century and would like to see firsthand what he wrote, what the Church taught and what the Church believed on this subject. It is also for those who were in the Worldwide Church of God and want to prove once again, that he fulfilled this role. The following quote is from the introduction to this article.
“The subject of the end-time Elijah is a fascinating one. It is also a significant one to God’s people at the end of the age. One reason it is so important is because the teachings of the truth, the true doctrines that the Church of God believes, hinges on the fulfillment of this role. This article contains numerous quotes from Mr. Armstrong as well as excerpts from material that was written during the Worldwide Church of God (WCG) prior to 1986 on this vital topic. For those who attended services in WCG, it will bring back memories of an incredible time in the history of the Church. And for those who were not in WCG, the information contained here will prove to be an eye opening and a life changing endeavor.”
The article concludes with a quote from a “Question and Answer” session in the Good News Magazine. It contains a sobering warning regarding the consequences in not recognizing the end-time Elijah:
“At the close of this present evil age, another ‘Elijah’ is to thunder a warning message to disobedient Israel and prepare a people for Christ's glorious return to reestablish God's government on earth. Yes, just before the end of this present evil world the Gospel of the Kingdom must be preached as a witness to all the world (Matt. 24:14). An ‘open door’ of the mass media has been provided (Rev. 3:8).
“Jesus said that only those who had ‘ears to hear’ - who were tuned in to God's truth - would recognize the second ‘Elijah,’ John the Baptist (Matt. 11: 14-15). Likewise, only those who are obedient to God and led by His Spirit will recognize the end-time ‘Elijah.’
“Those who do, and who are heeding the message, will be protected by God when the world erupts in the flames of the Great Tribulation (Rev. 3:10).”
Good News Magazine, “Q & A”, October-November 1981
How TRUTH Enters the Church of God
This article contains the now little understood method by which TRUTH enters the Church of God. It provides a way by which TRUTH can be authenticated. You will also find in this article absolute proof that the truth does not change. Mr. Armstrong will lay out the Biblical teaching of the all important doctrine of “How TRUTH enters the Church of God”. The following is part of the introduction of this document:
“To the people of the one true God in the 21st century, the information you will soon read goes to the heart of what is true doctrine. The focus of this article is on one point, and one point only, how the truth enters the Church of God. The way the Church receives its teachings is a truth in itself.
“With salvation on the line, it cannot be overstated, that the subject of how truth enters the Church is one of the most important teachings that God’s people must understand at the end of the age. Please do not overlook this vital truth and do not take for granted that you understand it. What you will soon read will not disappoint.”
This document is a must read for everyone. It concludes with the following quote from Mr. Armstrong:
“I have shown you how this Church came to believe what it does — truths no other people on earth know! Truths nobody else on earth is proclaiming to the world!
“I have shown you its ROOTS — its origin, its history, and its prehistory…
“I have shown you how this Church came to believe what it believes. And how those precious beliefs were put into this Worldwide Church of God, by Christ through me. I have shown you HOW IT WAS FOUNDED. God says His Church is founded on the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ being the chief cornerstone. Not only the original twelve apostles and Paul, but He used His one apostle for this twentieth century in founding this Philadelphia era of His Church.”
Plain Truth Magazine, “What Every Reader Needs to Know About the FOUNDATION, HISTORY: AUTHORITY AND DOCTRINE OF THE WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD”, Herbert W Armstrong, February 1978
What is TRUTH?
This article goes to the heart of the question regarding what is to be considered doctrinal TRUTH. You will hear the voice of an old but wise apostle who spent 53 years of his life storing the TRUTH to the Church of God. Of course, it is understood that is was Jesus Christ, the HEAD of the Church, who restored the TRUTH to the Church through him. The following quote is from the introduction of this article:
“Some of the groups that splintered from the Worldwide Church of God believe that Mr. Armstrong restored 18 foundational truths, and thus all of his other teachings are technically not considered doctrine. This kind of thinking opens the door to be able to modify, alter or discard any of his other teachings. But is this correct? Yet others believe that every teaching that Mr. Armstrong restored was doctrine. And what about the prophetic revelations that Mr. Armstrong claimed were revealed to the Church by Jesus Christ through him? Are those to be regarded as TRUTH or are those also subject to change?”
This article ends with a quote from a Co-Worker Letter he wrote in 1985, just 7 months before he died. It contains some of his last statements regarding compromising with the TRUTHs that were restored to the Church by Jesus Christ during his tenure. This is another must read article for all who seek to follow the TRUTH. The following are Mr. Armstrong’s concluding words:
“For some few years now, there had been a certain group at Headquarters, whom my son surrounded himself with, who have wanted to ‘water down’ God's truths and doctrines. They seem to have wanted to get as close to the ways of Satan as possible, still keeping ‘one foot’ in God's Church, hoping thereby to get into the Kingdom of God.
“I want to get as CLOSE to GOD's true doctrines as possible, and as far away from Satan's ways as possible.
“If there is any reason why the living Christ chose me as His Apostle, it is that I will not compromise a thousandth of an inch on God's true doctrines.
“Brethren, LET US STAND FIRM in the truth of the Eternal GOD! If ever I needed you to stand back of me as Christ's chosen Apostle, IT IS NOW!”
Co-Worker Letter, Herbert W Armstrong, June 25, 1985
Zerubabbel – The Signet, the Plummet and the Temple
Another fascinating truth that was revealed to the Philadelphia era of God’s Church was how the ancient governor Zerubbabel was a forerunner of one who would appear at the end of the age. Mr. Armstrong began to speak a great deal on this subject in the late 1970’s up until his death. And it is a subject that is rarely even discussed or even understood now among God’s people. The following quoted is from the introduction of this article:
“In this article, you will learn how the ancient governor Zerubbabel was a forerunner of one who would appear at the end of the age. The entire Worldwide Church of God came to understand connection between Mr. Armstrong and Zerubabbel and why it is so significant. You will hear the words of Mr. Armstrong, as Christ inspired him to speak them, on this topic. And you will learn the echoing implications of this doctrine that pertain to God’s people at the end of the age. The truth behind this subject will once again be uncovered!”
When you read this article, you will learn how Mr. Armstrong will have a direct impact in finishing the building of the Temple, which is the Church of God that will be alive to meet Christ in the air when Christ returns. The article concludes with the following words from Mr. Armstrong:
“So I want to ask you to continue to PRAY, very specially and fervently for me personally, that God will grant me these additional years of vigorous, youthful life, that, as a parallel to His servant Zerubbabel of some 2,400 years ago, since my hands began this Work, my hands may FINISH IT!”
CoWorker Letter, Herbert W Armstrong, August 29, 1974
And to the Angel of the Church in Philadelphia
This article will give everyone who was not able to experience the awesome work of God that took place during the 20th century, a taste of how God blessed the Church in an era that was doctrinally on track. It documents the amazing prophecy that begins in Revelation 3:7 and ends in Revelation 3:12. But it will also disclose an unfulfilled point from this prophecy that every begotten member of the God family must be made aware of
“The archival treasure chest of truth revealed to the Church by Jesus Christ through Mr. Armstrong in the 20th century about the Philadelphia era will once again be opened. You will hear Christ talk directly to you, one final time before the night is upon this world. He will deliver one final all important message that you do not want to miss. May God help everyone to understand the history of this amazing era and the vital message that God our Father gave Jesus Christ to pass on to His Church at the end of the age.”
And the article ends with a sobering fact that is detailed in the Bible and is restated by Mr. Armstrong regarding the history of those that hear the truth: Here are Mr. Armstrong’s words:
“Revelation 3:8 ‘Thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word’ ... How many people have believed, let alone kept God's Word? You can't keep it if you don't believe it. Adam and Eve didn't believe what God said. God talked to them in person, just like I sit and talk to someone right here beside me. But Adam and Eve didn't believe God.
“Jesus Christ came. He preached to multiple thousands of people. Twice He preached to 5,000 men, not counting women and children. He preached to numerous audiences, small audiences and great audiences. How many do you think believed what He said? … Acts the 1st chapter and the 15th verse. Very few ever believed. 120 it was, who believed what He said!”
Sermon, “The Church in Prophecy”, Herbert W Armstrong, March 28, 1981
When Heresy Strikes – And What God Says You Must Do
This is a powerful article that outlines just what heresy entails. It lists numerous signs that are present in the Church when a false doctrine takes root. And it details the course of action that must be taken when heresy strikes the Church of God. It contains valuable information that Mr. Armstrong taught the Church on how there is only one faith, meaning one body of beliefs and how this TRUTH creates a harmonious picture. The following quote was taken from the article where the subject of false teachers is covered:
“False teachers will try to convince others that what they are teaching is correct and true. They will tell you that “their new doctrines line up with the truths that were restored by Mr. Armstrong”, even though their knew teachings are completely contrary to the truth. And it is these men that are responsible for creating division because they bring in doctrines that are contrary to those that were put into the Church by Jesus Christ, the living HEAD of the Church, through his apostle of the 20th century, Mr. Armstrong (Romans 16:17).
“In addition, it is for this reason that once heresy takes root in the Church, that God will cease to guide it and He will remove Himself from it. This is what He commands all Christians to do in Romans 16:17, it is what Mr. Armstrong instructed the Church members to do, and because God would not disobey His own command, it is what He would do as well.
“And let there be no doubt that when a true minister or leader of the Church begins teaching error, i.e. doctrines contrary to the truths that were restored to the Church by Jesus Christ through Mr. Armstrong, they disqualify themselves as true men of truth (Exodus 18:21) and as ministers of God. And the ministers that allow this to happen also disqualify themselves as well, if they do not stand up for the truth. This is confirmed in the Word of God and it is perfectly in line with what Mr. Armstrong taught the Church.”
The article concludes with a statement that Mr. Armstrong wrote in the Good News Magazine. In this commentary, he explains that the primary sign that identifies God’s one truth Church is the TRUTH, and the TRUTH without COMPROMISE! This is how one can recognize whether they are in the body of Christ or not:
“After some years I discovered, not only where, and which, was the one true Church — but also that I was actually in it! How did I know? How did I recognize it?
“And foremost among those identifying fruits is the statement of the resurrected Jesus, applying to this Church, in Revelation 3:8: ‘I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it; for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my Word, and hast not denied my name.’
“Being faithful to GOD'S WORD is the chief qualifying requirement. That includes believing God's Word, and proclaiming God's Word — but also obeying it, being faithful never to compromise with it, actually living it!”
Good News Magazine, “ARE YOU SURE that we are the Church of God”, Herbert W Armstrong, May 1964
Where is the One True Church NOW?
This article is geared towards helping God's people find the ONE TRUE CHURCH after the most recent falling away that has happened in the Church. Many have asked and now want to know, where can the one true Church be found once again? So where is it now? Where can it be found? And are there any features that can be used in locating it? This all important Biblical subject will be covered in great detail. The following is from the introduction to this article:
“'Where is the one true Church, the body of Christ?' often becomes the question when a defection from the truth happens in the Church. But apostasies are nothing new in the history of the Church. Its past is riddled with the struggles of brethren contending for the faith after being led astray with false doctrines by leaders who arose from within the Church.
“This article is intended help God’s people find their way back home to the one true Church, the body of Christ, after a defection from the truth has occurred. You will hear from a faithful apostle as he expounds on several key points and identifying characteristics that will be present in the one true Church. These points and characteristics are intended to help God’s people find the one true Church, the Church that Jesus Christ is leading, at the end of the age."
You will also hear Mr. Armstrong as thundered to the Church numerous warnings about a being who is intent on deceiving and destroying God's people and His Church. This wise apostle will describe some of the key Biblical points and characteristics that can be used to identify the one true Church. The following is a quote from this article:
“Now some of them did fall, some of them did fall away. And the devil has always been angry, wroth with that Church that keep the commandments of God and has the faith and the testimony of Jesus (Revelation 12:17). And I want to tell you my friends, that that little Church, that despised, scattered, persecuted little Church of God has had a great deal more to contend with than those that just join the broad way that is leading to destruction, the popular road of organized religion.
"Because the devil is angry with them and the devil has caused them a great deal of trouble, where he's perfectly content to let alone those that are deceived. Brethren of God, this is why it is important the identifying characteristics of the one true Church. Without understanding this key trait, it will become virtually impossible to find the body of Christ.”
World Tomorrow Broadcast, “History of the True Church - Part 6”, Herbert W Armstrong

"When they shall stumble, they shall be granted a little help"
Daniel 11:34 NET
The Remnant of The Worldwide Church of God
“‘And the gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice; he calls his sheep by name and he leads them out. When he has brought all his sheep outside, he goes in front of them, and the sheep follow him, because they knew his voice. They will not follow a stranger’ (John 10:3-5 Moffatt Translation)
“Now he doesn't drive them. He leads and they follow. And there it is again, Christ leads. He does not drive anyone. If you notice, Jesus Christ never once forced anyone to agree with Him or to believe what He preached”
World Tomorrow Broadcast, “Truth Restored”, Herbert W Armstrong